Sunday, 16 December 2007


At the moment we are taking care of these two little chaps, Timmy and Mr. Bean, they belong to THE FARM ANIMAL SANCTUARY, Nr. Evesham, Worcs. They have been with us about a year and were very nervous at first , specially Mr. Bean, but he is very slowly coming round and responding to kindness, both of them had been knocked about and hauled round markets, Timmy when he was only 16 weeks old, the sanctuary saved them both and they are enjoying the grazing here and helping me with the orchard overgrowth. Both lovely natured ponies despite their bad start.

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unusual niddy noddy

unusual niddy noddy

handwoven bags

handwoven bags



navajo type rug

navajo type rug


woven on my Harris upright rug loom

crop marks

crop marks
hut circles, these occur occasionally when the weather is right

stone whorl

stone whorl
textile tool that I found whilst fieldwalking about 20 years ago, this started my passion for all things yarn

field walking find

field walking find
textile tool?

Canadian production wheel

Canadian production wheel
From ste. Hyacinthe, Quebec to Stratford upon Avon

Canadian production wheel

Canadian production wheel
Due to the good folks on Ravelry have discovered that this wheel was made in the second half of the 19th c It was made by Simeon Laurence of Ste. Hyacinthe, PQ Canada

Antique Dutch Flax wheel

Antique Dutch Flax wheel
wheel with integrated winder

Antique Dutch Flax Wheel

My antique Dutch flax wheel was brought over from Holland and sold here in the U.K in an antiques market. It has an integral wool winder and a distaff with blocks of peat/solid moss to hold the fibre. Little bone or ivory finials. It is working but a little tricky. 18 inch wheel, smells like a church interior.

Timbertops chair wheel

Timbertops chair wheel
Timbertops chair wheel